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First Step Women’s Shelter is currently a fourteen (14) bed facility which provides a safe and secure emergency shelter for physically, emotionally and/or sexually abused women and their children.  Women can stay at the shelter for up to a six (6) weeks during which time they must agree to live in a non-abusive environment where any form of violence or abuse is unacceptable and alcohol and illegal drug use is not permitted.

The staff and volunteers of the Shelter are to facilitate the self-empowerment process of women and children who are survivors of violence and/or abuse by providing support and advocacy services within a safe haven.  Women come to the shelter for many different reasons:

  • To take time to collect their thoughts;
  • To obtain information to make informed decisions;
  • To escape from a dangerous situation
  • To find out what options are available and/or to start a new life free of abuse

All contacts with women are confidential and non-judgmental.

The staff are here to support, listen and assist the woman in whatever she chooses.

The Shelter operates like a house - everyone assists in planning and preparation of meals and in keeping the house clean and safe for all.  Each family has their own bedroom and bathroom, and the kitchen, living room and playroom are common areas for everyone to share.  Child care is not provided during a woman’s stay at the Shelter as moms are responsible for the safety and well being of their children at all times.  Child and Youth Workers are available to provide temporary relief for mothers and to provide fun and healthy activities for the children.