Crisis Support Services
The Crisis Support Team offers crisis intervention and support to victims of crime and tragic circumstance, including information on victim rights and education on abuse issues as required, referrals to appropriate resources in the community, advocacy, safety planning, and court, police and hospital accompaniment.
We are dedicated to providing a service which is flexible, responsive, and culturally appropriate to all victims. We acknowledge the importance of supporting other service providers and community partners in their services to victims and communities, and in working together to provide a “community system of care”.
Our goal is to support the values, strengths and resiliency of each individual, so they regain the balance and well-being they enjoyed before the crisis occurred.
Our Crisis Support Team can help lessen the impact of being victimized, help victims quickly return their lives to a desired degree of stability and refer victims to appropriate community resources.
The service is client-driven and community-based. Service is provided to individuals 16 years of age or older, there are self- referrals; you can contact the program directly in dealing with your situation. All services are provided free of charge.
Sexual Assault crime can be very traumatic on our over-all well-being on any individual(s) for all involved. Our Crisis Support Program offers sexual assault counselling with a certified counsellor. Please consult our office for more information, or to schedule an appointment. 1-807-737-4848
We have all experienced a crisis at one point in our life. Something happens or a chain of events occur that exceeds our capacity to cope. We may have reached out to our families and friends to get support, gotten through it, and moved forward; or, we may have found ourselves alone and unable to cope.